Moon Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Basic Responsibilities:
- Aid the Township in long range planning of parks, open space and greenways throughout the Township.
- Review all park and recreation policies, regulations and rules and make recommendations for modifications to the Board of Supervisors
2025 Meeting Dates
All meetings are held at 8:15a.m. at the Robin Hill Center located at 949 Thorn Run Road.
- January 24
- March 28
- May 23
- July 25
- September 26
- November 28
Eric Fehr - Chairman
Donald Liskay - Vice-Chairman
Frank Magnotta
Doug DeNardo
Cindy Johnston
Lisa Baldis
Teresa Rees
Term Expires
January 2029
January 2027
January 2028
January 2029
January 2026
January 2028
January 2030